Case Study
In the medical precinct, you have access to Elemental – Hot Yoga, Chiropractor & Massage, All-Sports Physiotherapy, Q-Pilates & Q-Scan Radiology. It is the inclusiveness of the site that sets Parkwood Village apart from traditional national and international high performance training facilities. The Gold Coast Titans were adamant that they wanted a community facility to engage with the public and continue the enormous amount of work they do in the Gold Coast community.
Along the veranda overlooking the car park Atlantis® Facade™ 52mm drainage cells have been linked together and attached to a metal frame to form a frieze around the veranda, and on which electronic displays are mounted.
The Atlantis® Facade™ 52mm drainage cells are connected together and mounted on a metal frame to form a screen on a first floor balcony.
Hutchinson Builders installed approximately 275m2 of Atlantis® Facade™ 52mm drainage cells and finished the project in August 2017.
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